
VRS and Voya are here to support you through your journey. These resources should come in handy if you need additional guidance along the way.

Local DC Plans Education Specialists

Local DC Plan Education Specialists from Voya can assist you with your Commonwealth of Virginia Retirement Plans, including understanding your investment options, managing contributions and developing a retirement strategy.


Financial Planning Services

Focused on all aspects of financial planning, the Be Ready team from Voya Financial Advisors (VFA) can help you build financial security by providing objective, personalized financial education that puts your goals first.


Advisory Services

Retirement planning can be incredibly complicated. Need more help? Voya Retirement Advisors offers professional investment advice and portfolio management services to help you plan and prepare for retirement.

Advisory Services

myVRS Financial Wellness

A supplemental before-tax and/or Roth after-tax savings plan for state employees and participating political subdivisions and school divisions.

myVRS Financial Wellness

VRS Hybrid Plan Education

Learn more about the hybrid plan features and benefits, the defined contribution component of your plan and other educational opportunities.

VRS Hybrid Plan Education

News and insights

Feature Spotlight

Feature Spotlight

Learn how professional investment advice and portfolio management services can help you better plan and prepare for retirement.

Need Help?

Need Help?

Locate and contact your DC Plans Education Specialist to schedule one-on-one counseling.

Historical Records

Historical Records

Access past statements and tax forms from the MissionSquare Retirement website.

Transition News

Transition News

Get the latest news and important information about the VRS DCP transition to Voya Financial.

Stay Connected

Stay Connected

Download the Voya RetireĀ® mobile app to manage your account and boost investment knowledge on the go.

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