If you'd like to have access to personalized asset allocation strategies and diversified investment selections that can help you take some of the complexity out of investing while getting savings and investment advice tailored to your personal situation, then consider Voya Retirement Advisors, LLC (VRA), powered by Edelman Financial Engines.
For details, log in to your DCP Account and select Account > Get Investment Advice.
Call 833‑625‑0115 and ask to speak to a VRA Investment Advisor Representative.
VRA provides you with two levels of service available through your Plan. Click below for more details on each.
Advisory Services provided by Voya Retirement Advisors, LLC (VRA). VRA is a member of the Voya Financial (Voya) family of companies. For more information, please read the Voya Retirement Advisors Disclosure Statement, Advisory Services Agreement, and your Plan's fact sheet. These documents may be viewed online by accessing the advisory services link through your Plan's website. You may also request these from a VRA Investment Advisor Representative by calling your Plan's information line. Financial Engines Advisors L.L.C. (FEA) acts as a sub advisor for Voya Retirement Advisors, LLC. Financial Engines Advisors L.L.C. (FEA) is a federally registered investment advisor. Neither VRA nor FEA provides tax or legal advice. If you need tax advice, consult your accountant or if you need legal advice consult your lawyer. Future results are not guaranteed by VRA, FEA or any other party and past performance is no guarantee of future results. Edelman Financial Engines® is a registered trademark of Edelman Financial Engines, LLC. All other marks are the exclusive property of their respective owners. FEA and Edelman Financial Engines, LLC are not members of the Voya family of companies. ©2023 Edelman Financial Engines, LLC. Used with permission.